Tuesday, June 18, 2013

JubiRev weekly update!

Hi Team!

There is a lot of information in this email, please view the recorded webinar if you missed it and then ask questions if you are still unsure on any of this.

New Affiliate VIP Packages Are Live!

These are now live and are priced at $549.00 and $1,249.00 Now is the time to start building your teams by selling these packs!
Our new people that join will have to either purchase a VIP pk or refer 3 who do to become "A Team Qualified" (those of us that were already upgraded in JubiRev before the changes were made are Grandfathered in). You need to be A Team Qualified before you can start building your A Team.
Once you are A Team Qualified you need a total of 6 VIP package sales of either the $549 or the $1,249 to complete your A Team. You only have to personally make 2 of these sales, the rest can be made by those initial 2. So you refer 2 who both refer 2 each also, so a total of 6, done!
Then you need to refer 1 more to become Max Team Qualified, and will then start to earn these 1k and 10k Fast Start Bonuses!
Because of the changes that have been made corporate have given us 14 days before any commissions will be run on these VIP Pk sales. So if you have a downline who makes any sales you have 14 days to become a Max Team leader to ensure you receive the resulting commissions.
VIP Pk purchase can be made using a Credit Card. And so will affiliate autoships very soon.


1. 1st person who creates 3 VIP sales, either 549 or 1,250 will get a 1k Cash Bonus.
2. 1st 10 people who get Max Team Qualified will get a 7 day 7 night stay in a resort paid on J.Joshua's dime
3. First person who gets a 10k bonus, J.Joshua's will pay 7 days 7 nights, plus return flights for 2 plus 1k for spending money (estimated value of 3 to 5k ).

JubiPoints (JP's), How do I earn more?

You will receive 1,000 JP for the $549 Pk and 2,500 JP for the $1,249 Pk sales.
When customers use their jubibucks (JB) and pay for shipping you will get 5 times the JP's (a 5 to 1 ratio), if they use 100 JB's you will receive 500 JP's
If the customer spends and extra $50 out of pocket, you will get a 10 to 1 ratio, so 100 JB will earn you 1,000 JP's.
If you enrol someone within your first 30 days you will get a 15 to 1 ratio
Go platinum - If you get 3 preferred customers (any customer who makes a purchase out of pocket) Or just make 1 VIP Pk sale within 30 days, you will get 50% more JP for life, on all JP earnings.
The DLB will continue to pay up to 60% in eCash, it will not be changed to 100% eCash


Majority of products will come out of back order in the next couple of days, there are several containers due in that are full of products. And Coffee will be available to customers in the next 7 to 14 days.


With all the changes corporate have extended the JubiSuite placement until July 1st.

International Promoters:

We are in Ireland and are still waiting for the digital products, but in the mean time we can still market to people in the US and Canada, and we can also sell the packs to people in other countries also, we just have to pay a little more in shipping, personally I love the products and are happy with this. It is something I have to deal with and comes with living in a lower populated location.
The Digital packages should be ready early next week, we will find out more later this week.

Pro Marketing System:

Next Monday - June 24th the Pro-Marketing System will be launching. There will be 2 versions, the second with the my phone room part attached. They will be priced at:
$19.95 per Month
$39.95 per Month - With the My Phone Room part
The first 500 who use the system will get it for $14.95, and $29.95
There will be more details on this next week.

New Compensation Plan and Presentation Power Points:

The new Power Point is live. It is loaded on your main marketing site. www.jubirev.com/home/yourusername on the opportunity page.
Here is the direct link where it is located http://jubimax.box.com/s/je0tnkf0p4haa9ehmevu
We are still waiting on the new compensation documentation, but the power point does have a lot of the new information in it.

Business Cards Etc:

We now have a place where we can purchase Business Cards (both JubiMax and JubiRev), T-Shirts, Hats, iPhone Cases, Rack Cards (for the Max Natural)
To order your products go to: www.jubibusinesscards.com
Note: if you want to purchase multiple different items, once you have added 1 to your cart just click back on the HOME link on the top left.
There will be more merchandise added to this site soon, flyers etc.

Monday Night Update Webinar - Recorded

The top video on this page: http://www.jubiglobal.com/videos/videos-monday-updates/


Get Plugged In, listen to as many of the corporate presentations as you can to learn how to present this business.
It is time to build! The new Starter Packs are live, now is the time to build our A Teams and then our Max Teams and earn those 1k and 10k Fast Start Bonuses!
For people that just want to market the products or services retail, there will be more information on this soon, ideally we will all do a little bit of both. Personally I love the products, and so does everyone I know that has tried them.
So we have great products, now all that we have to do is share them!

What do I need to do at the moment to ensure I am earning?

Ensure your Ad is being placed each day.
Ensure you have paid your Monthly Subscription.
Get your QS (Quality Score) above 10% - We have 30 days to get this to or above this level before this will be enforced.
Get your CV (Customer Volume) for the Month. $30 of customer out of pocket spending for people with less than 25k JubiPoints and $60 for people with greater than 25k JubiPoints.
If you are unsure on any of this please let us know!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

BIG changes in Jubirev!

Hi Team,

So, we have some BIG changes………

One of the main reasons why we like this company is because of Management. All the businesses we have been in in the past have really failed in this area.

Because of what has been happening in the industry to other Revenue Sharing companies and the way they are being promoted all of them are coming under a lot of scrutiny from many regulating agencies. And seeing what is happening to a lot of these companies is severely effecting peoples confidence, and we all know you cannot effectively promote a business or products that you do not have full confidence in.

J.Joshua Beistle said right from the start, if things need to be done to ensure we are compliant, these things will be done! So after he employed a few more lawyer firms to look over things we have some adjustments to make.

Is the Revenue Share model legal? Yes, in fact all of his lawyers have agreed on this, but the problem is that it needs to be used correctly.

Basically what we are doing is purchasing samples and giving them away to people, so they can try our products for free and then hopefully enjoy and come back and purchase more out of their own pocket.

For doing this task we earn JubiPoints and then get paid off of these from the company's revenue share.

Pretty simple stuff, but the problem is that some people have forgotten why we are giving away our samples and are signing up people that are not interested in our products or are just fake….. This is the problem and what the company needs to fix. ZeekRewards and GoFun Places both had this problem, affiliates were purchasing samples and giving them away, but no one was using them, this is a big problem from a regulators point of view!

Quality Score:

So we now have a metric called a Quality Score. This is a percentage and is calculated by dividing your total JubiBucks given away by your total JubiBucks used. For example if you had 2 customers and you gave them both 100 JubiBucks (you now have a total of 200 JubiBucks given away) and 1 customer used 50 JubiBucks (total used JubiBucks of 50) you would divide the 200 by 50 and get 25%, this would be your Quality Score.

To earn off all of your JubiPoints you will need to have a Quality Score of at least 10%, anything below that and you will only be earning on part of your JubiPoint balance.

Your Quality Score is something that will change daily for most of us as either we give away more JubiBucks or our customers use their JubiBucks. Your Quality Score is calculated each day at 7pm CST.

Personally I think this is a great idea as it ensures people are bringing real customers in to the business and not just buying fake ones. And only being 10% it is very achievable.

I was not very impressed that they gave us no notice with implementing this, but they say from a compliance stand point it needed to happen asap.What they have done is made it so that our JubiPoints will earn for an extra 30 days, so this effectively gives us all 30 days to improve our score so that we get our full earnings.

Remember this is our customers just using their free JubiBucks, not them spending their cash.

CV (Customer Volume)

We also have our minimum CV (Customer Volume) amount to meet. This is our customers spend from out of their pocket, not including shipping and is Monthly.

For anyone under 25K JubiPoints you need $30 CV (a customer to spend a min of $30 on products)
For anyone at or over 25K JubiPoints you need $60 CV (a customer to spend a min of $60 on products)

This can be made up from 1 or 100 customers, just as long as the total minimums are met.

All new promoters have a 60 day grace period, this is going to be up on the 1st of June for some of us.

Personally we have a Quality Score of 10.25% and a CV of $76 so we are fine and are earning fully, but we will obviously try and get this a lot higher going forward now that we know this is what we need to meet. And there are many on our team that are also fine and of course a few that are not and need to get in touch with their customers.

What can I do to increase my Quality Score and CV?

We have found some people that have been very positive on the news and others that have not been so positive, either way what I am suggesting to all is to make sure they can get qualified and earn as much as they can while we get all this new information and digest it. Then see what will be involved and whether this fits long term with you or not.

At the end of the day we all want to be able to go to bed and feel 100% confident that our business will be here in the morning, I am very happy to see our president making sure this is happening.

Some of the other new things coming are:

- In 7 to 14 days our DLB will be paid in 100% eCash
- New Digital products:
JubiAcademy - Online Marketing Education
JubiMindSet - Personal Development
- Lowering shipping prices in the coming weeks
- Pro marketing is nearly ready to go. They have about 17 different pages.
- Should have Coffee by the end of the June
- New Fast Start Bonuses
- New Infinity Bonuses
- New Rank Advancement Bonuses

List of this week's webinars, where our leaders will go through all of this in more details.

Wednesday @ 1pm Est - www.jubirevwebinar.com
Wednesday @ 9pm Est - www.jubirevtraining.com
Thursday @ 9pm Est - www.jubirevwebinar.com
Friday @ 1pm Est - www.jubirevwebinar.com
Saturday @ 1pm Est - www.joinwebinar.com

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jubirev update!

Are you serious?

If you look at all the top income earners in this industry you will see that they do not do 10 different businesses poorly, they find a business that they like, that has real products and services that are priced competitively and a management team driven by excellence that do what they say!

JubiRev for me is this business. I like you most likely get pitched 1 or more new businesses every day, some of these are good and some not, but all of the good ones require some effort and if you want to make the big bucks like me then it will take quite a lot of effort. Like most things you get out what you put in!

Sure there are a few businesses out there that require little or no work, but these are really just a money game and their lifespan is limited. For me I want to build something big, that is going to last a long time.

JubiRev offers an enormous income opportunity and a very substantial residual income paid daily! Imagine this in 1, 2, 5 or 10 years, one word Freedom!

The JubiSuite is now all ready to go and we can now see all the holding volume each affiliate has. We will be working with our upline in the coming days and will then be placing our team. We will be building our Unilevel in a 3x3 structure and the people that we place at the top will benefit from everyone below them. But the people we place at the top we will need to get to Diamond 1 Star and Diamond 2 Star and then ideally Presidential Diamond. So we are only going to be placing people in these top positions that are actively participating in the business.

Monday Night Update Call - IMPORTANT!

Anyone who is taking this business serious needs to be listening to these calls. This is the most important call of the week.

The recording is at the top of this page for those that missed it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_NveEdQ8y9c


We would love to get some testimonials from anyone who has some they would like to share. They don't have to be very long just a few short words is fine. These will be used in our emails for the marketing systems, on the FistJubi site and on the marketing capture pages. We are looking for testimonials on the following subjects.

1. JubiMax - If you have had a good experience from using any of the products we would love to hear and share!

2. JubiRev - If you have something great to share about the income side, like I love getting paid every day, or I love the fact that I can see my income growing every day etc.....

3. FirstJubi - If you have been pleased with the support and resources provided by our team please let us know. These are the sort of things that people want to see when they join a business, they want to know they are going to receive good support and training.

If you have something you would like to share please just reply to this email with your comments.

Ad Placement Service:
We are using a company called Fly Guy Marketing to place our daily ads for us, they are currently the only company that has been approved by corporate. They only charge us around 40 cents per day and place 2 quality ads on quality sites every day for us, 365 days a year, this ensures we get paid every day!

Because of the sites they are placing the ads on and the targeted traffic that is going to these sites we will do a lot better at acquiring customers than what we would just placing our ads on free classified sites. And customers are the life blood of the company.

You can join Fly Guy Marketing here: www.FlyGuyMarketing.com

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Montly update

Monthly Subscriptions:

If your monthly subscription is due a window will show when you login to your back office asking you to pay it. If it is due on May 1st, 2nd or 3rd there will be a 5 day grace period to give you time to get some eCash sorted.

In the future, so next month, or for people that is due after the 3rd there will be no grace period. The date it is due is when it will be due. But what will happen is the company will have a window that pops up 7 days before and will count down each day.

So there will be no excuses, everyone should know when their sub is due and if they forget they will still get 7 days notice.

Now as for what monthly subscription you should be on, this is your choice, but here is some information to help you make an informed decision.

From a pure mathematical point of view for growing your JubiPoint balance and only looking at the DLB (Daily Leadership Bonus):
If you have 1,000 or more JP's (JubiPoints) you should be on Diamond
If you have 600 to 1,000 JP's (JubiPoints) you should be on Emerald and if you have some cash left over put it towards more samples /  JB's (JubiBucks)
If you have 200 to 600 JP's (JubiPoints) you should be on Rubi and if you have some cash left over put it towards more samples /  JB's (JubiBucks)
If you have less than 200 JP's (JubiPoints) you should be on Jade and if you have some cash left over put it towards more samples /  JB's (JubiBucks)

But then there are other things that come into the decision also like:
If you have a lot of retail customers shopping, you will earn a higher commission on the higher subs.
If you have built a team you will earn more from your team on the higher subs.
If you are like us and love the products and these are in our monthly spend anyway, then it just makes sense to purchase through the company because it is included in the higher subs.

So in summary everyone should be on Diamond as soon as you can, but for some of us it may take a few months to get there, which is fine.

If you would like to discuss any of this please let us know. 

Coffee!!!! It sounds like we will have JubiMax Coffee within the month! This is going to be a great addition to our growing product line!

Ad Placement Service:

We are using a company called Fly Guy Marketing to place our daily ads for us, they are currently the only company that has been approved by corporate. They only charge us around 40 cents per day and place 2 quality ads on quality sites every day for us, 365 days a year, this ensures we get paid every day!

Because of the sites they are placing the ads on and the targeted traffic that is going to these sites we will do a lot better at acquiring customers than what we would just placing our ads on free classified sites. And customers are the life blood of the company.

You can join Fly Guy Marketing here: www.FlyGuyMarketing.com

JubiRebates is live!

JubiRebates is live! -

To activate this simply go into your JubiRev back office and click on the new Jubirebates tab on the left hand side and then click on the button saying "Click here to Activate JubiRebates" now it will be active and you can start shopping and or spreading the word.

Now that you have activated it you login to your JubiRebates site by either logging into JubiRev and then clicking on the JubiRebates page and then clicking on "Click Here To Access JubiRebates" or just below that button if you enter your Pin it will show you your direct JubiRebates login information.

Now that you have activated it your link will show up in a couple of places,
1. When you click on the JubiBucks tab at the top of the page you will see your new JubiRebates link just to the right of your volt
2. When you click on the Promoter Links tab in the middle on the home page you will see it listed here also.

It will look something like this: www.jubimax.com/jubirebates/YOURUSERNAME

When you promote your JubiRebates link, you will receive 10 JubiPoints for each customer that fills out the form. You will also get this person as a customer and will see them in your Customers page and now you can also give them up to 400 JubiBucks! We already have 1 customer from this, this is looking like another great way to get people into the system.

1st Unilevel Subscription Commissions

May 1st is when the first unilevel commissions will be run for the Monthly subscriptions, because the first month we all got the CAB (Customer Acquisition Bonus) but the people that joined right at the start will now be due again on the 1st. We will be placing people with the JubiSuite in the next couple of days.

International Shipping:

Because our company is growing so fast we are already at a size where we can open up a new international distribution site. This is in the process now and will give us the following 3 main benefits:
1. It will reduce the costs of shipping internationally
2. It will reduce the time frames for shipping internationally
3. it will give us a full tracking system, so we will be able to track our orders to our door.

As our president said on the call today, as our volume increases we will continue to improve as this make a lot of functions within our business more cost effective. This is very cool, and once again another reason why we have a lot of respect for this man......... He is taking us to the next level! with all our help of course, but we do need both, great marketers and also a great leader, one does not work without the other.

Team Training Webinars - Every (well most weeks) Tuesday & Thursday at 7pm EST
These are not corporate webinars, they are just for our team. They generally cover anything new in our business in detail and have a lot of Q&A in them.

Webinar Link:  https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/196516114
Time and Date Converter:  http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Ad Placement Service:
We are using a company called Fly Guy Marketing to place our daily ads for us, they are currently the only company that has been approved by corporate. They only charge us around 40 cents per day and place 2 quality ads on quality sites every day for us, 365 days a year, this ensures we get paid every day!

Because of the sites they are placing the ads on and the targeted traffic that is going to these sites we will do a lot better at acquiring customers than what we would just placing our ads on free classified sites. And customers are the life blood of the company.

You can join Fly Guy Marketing here: www.FlyGuyMarketing.com

Support & Resources:

We have created a Team site http://myjubirev.blogspot.ie/ where we will upload recorded calls and webinars and also any other information we can create to help our teams grow. Any suggestions please tell us!

Skype and Facebook are the fastest ways to communicate, and these are also were all the updates get posted first, so please plug into at least one of them.
If you are not in our skype group send us a request and we will add you. My skype name is “ivar.gaidelis2” this is probably the fastest way to communicate with us and the team.
You can join our TeamGFP Facebook group here https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jubimaxjubirev/524153577636195

Remember if you need help with any of this please let us know.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

JubiREV Update

We have now received several customers from Fly Guy and every one of them has ordered some products! Although we would like to see more customers coming in, we are still very happy because at least the customers we are getting are real, and are using the products. This will also mean we will see a percentage of these people come back as future customers, as long as they are happy with our products of course....

We have been talking to Fly Guy and they are tweaking several items, but this will take a week or two to get the campaigns running more efficiently. But one thing they did say is that people setting their give away amount higher at around 200 were having a far better conversion rate. I know not everyone has 200 to give away each day, so just set it to as high an amount as you can to entice your customers. I did initially think that we would set it at 5 and get lots but this has not been the case.

Once again all this will improve as we progress, the marketing will continually get tweaked, corporate will and are adjusting some of the tools for us to use and we will be more educated on how to manage it all. This is just something that will take a little time, but is very exciting because we are already seeing real customers coming in and shopping, very cool!

Note: When our customers shop the JubiBucks are now automatically applied to their purchase. This is a lot better and will save our customers accidently paying for more than they were supposed to.

First Wave Bonus Has Been Extended!
This is excellent news as it means you now have an additional 7 days to purchase as many new jubibucks as your resources will allow to really maximize the last few days of this bonus. Although this has been extended once I very much doubt it will be extended again.

For the First Wave Bonus when you give away your JubiBucks you will receive a 10% JubiPoints bonus. So for example say you purchase 1,000 JubiBucks, when you give these JubiBucks away you will receive 1,100 JubiPoints instead of the normal 1,000 JubiPoints. This is the sort of thing that can really help get your business up and producing a lot sooner.

JubiRebates is due to come online next Monday April the 29th! This is going to be massive!

Not only will it be great for the company from a legal point of view to have all these extra customers, but it will be another great source of income to feed our DLB (Daily Leadership Bonus). It will also be great for us promoters for building our JubiPoint balances!

Although this site is not ready for us yet we can have a sneaky look. We just had a look at some laptops and a cruise, very cool!

They have over 5,000 merchants and over 300 Million products, wow!

You can see a little info here: http://www.jubirebates.com or http://www.jubirebates.com/shopping  Please remember these are not ready to go yet, so don't download, send to customers or try and purchase anything yet.

JubiVactions and JubiTrainer will be launched very soon also, either on Monday or not long after.

Monthly Membership:
For people that purchased their membership on or before April 1st your renewal date will be May 1st. For anyone that purchased after this date it will simply be the same date of the following month. To check your Membership due date simply click on your MaxBucks tap at the top of the page in your back office and it will tell you.

We will also be able to adjust our Monthly autoship by next Monday.

To pay for your Monthly membership you will need some eCash, remember you need the eCash for the monthly sub and also some for the shipping. Because this is the second time around you should have a better idea of the shipping costs.

To get eCash you can either load some additional funds via STP, Payza, Wire Transfer, ACH or the Jubi Visa Account. If your account is large enough you can of course set a percentage of your earnings to go to eCash and then use this money. This is where we all want to get to, where our business is self-sustaining, covering its own costs and ultimately paying us a wage, but depending on how many samples you have given away and whether you are building a team this may take a couple of months.

For example if you have 500 JubiPoints you will be averaging around $6.60 per day, put 60% of that into eCash = $3.96 per day x 30 days = $118.80 This will cover the emerald sub and some shipping, depending on where in the world you live.
If you had 5,000 JubiPoints you will be averaging around $60.00 per day, put 60% of that into eCash = $39.60 per day x 30 days = $1,188.00 This will cover the Diamond sub and plenty of shipping!

When you are setting your eCash setting remember you have to cover your expiring JubiPoints. What has proven in the past to be a good ratio is 20/80. So have 20 percent go to eCash to manage your business and pay yourself a wage and then 80% go back in and replace the expiring JubiPoints and still have your business growing.

What most people do is they initially grow their business for the first 90 to 100 and then they set their eCash to 20% after this time. This gives your Business maximum growth at the start. This is also what we are doing.

Also the Diamond sub where your JubiPoints earn for 105 days makes a huge difference over the Jade 80 days. That is a 44% increase! Diamond is where we all need to be as soon as we can!

If anyone has any questions on any of this please let us know.

Customer Acquisition:
If you need more customers you can purchase them through a company called Fly Guy Marketing. They are a professional marketing company and will be running large campaigns targeting people looking for our products. These will be real customers looking for our real products!

At the moment they are running Co-Op’s, which are basically just a large campaign where they place ads on a site that has a lot of traffic going to it. This typically costs a lot of money, thousands and thousands, but in a Co-Op we can purchase shares in the campaign and then the customers will get sent out on a pro-rata basis to us as they come in live.

You can purchase your customers here: www.FlyGuyMarketing.com

Ad Placement Service:
We are using a company called Fly Guy Marketing to place our daily ads for us, they are currently the only company that has been approved by corporate. They only charge us around 40 cents per day and place 2 quality ads on quality sites every day for us, 365 days a year, this ensures we get paid every day!

Because of the sites they are placing the ads on and the targeted traffic that is going to these sites we will do a lot better at acquiring customers than what we would just placing our ads on free classified sites. And customers are the life blood of the company.

You can join Fly Guy Marketing here: www.FlyGuyMarketing.com